El Germen Pop


  • Client: El Germen Pop
  • Year: 2013 - 2015

"El Germen Pop"emerges as a small news blog related to pop/rock music and movies, born in Lima city, Peru. Today is a website that reaches all of Latin America.


Expanding its communication area to a Latin American level. This is why we decided to create a completely new graphic identity, along with a visual communication style, according to its target audience.


When we started, we took the concept of pop culture as a foundation, trying to keep a contemporary image, which allows the brand to operate in the different genres and variants that the music and movie scene offer.
A campaign that fused digital media with street action, easily recreated on social networks through viral videos was planned.


The actions were replicated in different cities throughout Latin America obtaining a significant rise in the website visits, that exceeded 100% as a result.
Nowadays the website is visited from countries such as Mexico, Uruguay, Peru, Argentina and Chile.